
Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist



Spreading of Aqueous Liquids in Unsized Papers is by Film Flow.

Roberts R. J., Senden T. J, Knackstedt M.A. and Lyne M. B.

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science Vol. 29 No. 4 April 2003

Film flow paper JPPS.pdf

PhD Thesis

Effects of Manufacturing Variables on Surface Quality and Distribution of Melamine Formaldehyde Resin in Paper Laminates

Roberts R. J. and Evans P. E.

Composites - Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Vol. 36 No.1 Jan. 2005

Effects of Manufacturing Variables.pdf

The Role of Graduates and their Education for the Australian Wood Processing Sector – from a Forest Industry Survey. R.J. Roberts. Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation. 2007

Published report R Roberts.pdf

Visualisation & numerical analysis of adhesive distribution in particleboard using X-Ray micro-computed tomography

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Available online 12 August 2010
Philip D. Evans, Olivia Morrison, Tim J. Senden, Stephan Vollmer, Ray J. Roberts,Ajay Limaye, Christoph H. Arnsb, Holger Averdunkb, Adrian Lowec and Mark A. Knacksted

Presentations at international conferences:

Effects of Paper Type and UF Resin Treatment on Surface Quality and MF Resin Distribution in Treated Pressed Decor Papers

Roberts R. J., Senden T. J. and Evans P.E.

5th Pacific Rim Bio-Based Composites Symposium, Canberra 2000

3D Imaging of the Spreading and Penetration of Aqueous Liquids into Unsized and Sized Papers

Roberts R. J., Senden T. J., Knackstedt M. A. Lyne M. B. and Schrof W.

5th International Paper and Coating Chemistry Symposium, Montreal June 2003

Fluid Penetration into Filled Papers

R. J. Roberts, T. J. Senden, M. B. Lyne and M. A. Knackstedt.

2004 Progress in Paper Physics Seminar, Trondheim June 2004

Imaging of Fluid Flow in Paper

R.J. Roberts, T.J. Senden

2007 International Paper Physics Conference Gold Coast April 2007

Blending efficiency Part A: Solving the Problem of chipout in laminated particleboard.

R. J. Roberts

Proceedings International Composites Symposium Washington State University Seattle 2011

Blending efficiency Part B: Core blending and how to improve it.

R. J. Roberts

Proceedings International Composites Symposium Washington State University Seattle 2011

Core Blending Efficiency Improvements Achieved In Continuous Pressing of Particleboard

R.J. Roberts

Proceedings International Composites Symposium Washington State University Seattle 2012

To be published

A new technique for imaging under cryogenic conditions with confocal microscopy.

Roberts R.J., Senden T. J., and Hyde A.

Journal of Microscopy

3D imaging of the spreading and penetration of aqueous liquids into unsized and sized papers.

Roberts R.J., Senden T.J., Knackstedt M.A., Lyne M.B. and Schrof W.

Journal of Pulp and Paper Science

Experimental Imaging of fluid penetration into Papers.

T.J. Senden, A. Bauer, R. J. Roberts, L. Salminen, S. Champ, M. Bruce Lyne, M.A. Knackstedt

Fluid Penetration into Filled Papers

R.J. Roberts, T.J. Senden, M.B. Lyne and M.A. Knackstedt

Dr Raymond Roberts