
Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

CV Employment as Professional Forester

1986 - 1987

Forester NSW Forestry Commission Oberon:

  • Managing planning, road survey and construction for plantation establishment roads up to Class 1: 100 km/h design speed.
  • Managing plantation harvesting.
  • Managing fire protection including large area aerial hazard reduction operations.
  • Managing environmental monitoring (water quality and soil movement) and optimising harvesting and road construction operations accordingly particularly in Jenolan Caves catchment area where there existed karst features in the areas to be roaded, established and harvested.

1980 - 1985

Forester Forestry Commission of NSW Bombala:

  • Managing harvesting and planning for hardwood operations for wood supply to Harris Daishowa wood chip mill at Eden and Tablelands Sawmill at Bombala.
  • Managing planning, road survey and construction for plantation establishment and hardwood harvesting up to Class 1: 100 km/h design speed roads. including locating and planning for large areas of native forest in Bondi SF
  • Conducted Preferred Management Priority Planning for Coolangubra State Forest including identification of areas of significant environmental value i.e. rare sites of Telopea oriades (Gippsland Waratah) as well as sites specific to Mountain pygmy possums, Feathertail gliders and other endangered species.
  • Managing radiata plantation establishment, maintenance and harvesting for Bondi and Coolangubra State Forests including introduction of helicopter spraying of any description for woody weeds for the first time in Australia.
  • Fire fighting operations around Bombala including many Section 41F emergency situations in 1980, 1983 (Ash Wednesday) and 1985 involving hardwood, plantation and grass fires.
  • Monitoring revegetation and streamside stabilisation after wildfire events.
  • Managed fire prevention strategies including aerial hazard reduction and construction of fire tower on Kelly's Mt south of Bombala.
  • Involved in establishment of E. nitens and E. fastigata plantations in the Bombala forestry district.
  • Conducting environmental remediation of log dumps by re-establishing native flora on dumps.


Assistant District Forester Forestry Commission of Tasmania Devonport

  • Managed hardwood and plantation harvesting operations
  • Managed plantation subdivision road constructionManaged plantation establishment and maintenance
  • Managed fire protection for district including setting up aerial detection systems involving fixed wing aircraft.
  • Involved in forestry extension activities with local schools and community


Forester Forestry Commission of Tasmania Hobart

  • Involved in assessing areas for suitability for plantation establishment in NE Tasmania
  • Hardwood resources assessment on Bruny Island