
Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Paints and Coatings

The Paints and Coatings industry are a significant user of PFAS chemicals around the world. The following Table 3 from the peer reviewed article; An overview of the uses of per and polyfluoroalkylsubstances (PFAS). Gluge J Environmental Science Processes and Impacts. Royal Society of Chemistry 2020. 22. 2345. Note that the volumes shown are the actual volumes of PFAS used as a constituent to other chemicals such as surfactants etc. and also are self reported. There is little doubt that in the case of paints and coatings, manurfacturers are highly unlikely to advertise the use of PFAS.

Gluge J 2020 state that in regard to Coatings, paints and varnishes. "The data from the SPIN database show that large amounts of î„„uoropolymers (more than 3000 t between 2000 and 2017) have been used in coatings and paints in the Nordic countries between 2000 and 2017. Fluoropolymers can be used to impart oil- and water-repellency to the paints or coatings, and î„„uoropolymers are also used as anti-stick and anticorrosive coatings." It is reasonable to suggest that this continues worldwide today.Table_3.jpg

Dulux, a subsidiary of Nippon Paints has trialed various AWT formulations to enhance the performance of paints and coatings. The current surfactants being used can contain PFAS, chemicals which Dulux has labelled as "Chemicals of Concern" and as a result are seeking alternatives.

The purpose of surfactants in paint technology is to ensure a spreading of a highly viscous liquid (especially water based) on the surface before paint cure (skinning) starts to occur. If this happens, then the surface finish would not be smooth and and any gloss effect would be lost. It has already been shown that AWT formulations achieve better performance than fluoros as is detailed in the firefighting page. 

The exposure to users of water based paints is very high considering that in the majority of cases washing of brushes and rollers etc. is done with water by people not wearing PPE. This would result in the unknown uptake of PFAS through the skin and the permanent presence of PFAS in bodily tissue. The following was determined by Dulux:

Water Based Paints Summary

• Surfactants are currently used as levelling and wetting agents in all coating formulations
• Surfactant wetting performance is affected by resin technology
• All comparative assessments show that AWT surfactants are at least equivalent or better
in terms of wetting performance when compared to currently used technologies
• AWT alternatives provide the opportunity to replace existing surfactants in many product
• Further trials are planned with the intent to purchase AWT technology

• Technologies based on Sample 4 and PCLL8 showed significantly better surface tension
reduction compared to other AWT and competitor systems
• Significantly improved resin uptake was obtained with PCLL8
• Further trials using AWT technology in our solvent based systems to improve key
performance attributes are planned 
