
Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

Dr Raymond Roberts
Consultant physicist

CV Employment in Timber Panels Industry

1993 - 2001

Quality/Technical Manager CSR Timber Products (Panels) (later Carter Holt Harvey Pine Panels) Tumut, major areas of responsibility and achievements;

Leading Technical department (team of 8 people).

Manage factory’s health, safety systems and in doing so improve site safety performance from one of the worst in the whole group to the best.

Manage environment remediation and monitoring systems including groundwater monitoring and extraction of polluted ground water.

Conduct development projects i.e. factorial experimental designs on particleboard furnish carried out in laboratory as a precursor to major capital expansion which was designed to incorporate the changes I recommended as a result of the experimental design work.

Conduct resin trials both on site and at an experimental level in laboratory at Orica Deer Park.

Factorial experimental designs on operations of the paper treater including resin reactivity and relationships between saturating resin solids and paper saturation and drying.

Management of Quality Management System (certified to AS/NZS 9001) which included safety and environmental management systems i.e. job safety analyses for all tasks in a safety behaviour observational system.

Cooperative projects with resin suppliers in process control during manufacturing of resins leading to changes in manufacturing processes to optimise resins for Tumut, including identification of major process control problems at both major resin suppliers ICI and Borden. This included both board and paper treating resins.

Statistical analysis of production data for the site and for resin companies.

Coordinating all plant trials the rawboard lines, the paper treater and laminating presses.

Provide technical data on environmental monitoring of air and water quality around the site.

Lead process improvement on site based on Total Quality Management principles.

Deliver TQM training to both site employees and new graduate trainees and other employees in company.

Supervise ANU Forestry honours and Rosenheim Wood Technology Institute students with their practical experience during their studies.

Introduce new moisture resistant particleboard resin systems for the Wood Panels group i.e. V313 type board from glue bond durability type board.

Company’s representative on AWPA 1993 - 1997.

Participated in rewrite of AS 1859 (Australian and New Zealand Particleboard Standard) as CSR’s technical representative on the technical committee TM5.

Introduced stock management system (Inventory Record Accuracy) as part of implementation of MRP2 Class A through Oliver Wright Ltd involving thousands of line items to a better than 99% accuracy. This enabled the abolition of any stocktakes. Project won CSR's team award for 1996.

Develop resin demand testing on raw paper to predict the amount of resin that will impregnate and coat the paper in the treater. (To our current knowledge this has not been successfully achieved anywhere else).

Introducing techniques to buffer catalysed resin for future use at the Treater to significantly reduce wastage without loss of product quality.

During Formica divestment all my treater recipes were given to Laminex and worked well.

Started part time PhD at ANU on "Factors affecting penetration of resins into decor papers".

As a result of learning’s from project saved over $500,000 per annum with improvements at treater from improved resin and paper systems.

Designed a number of courses for Deakin University distance education in the timber industry.

1991 - 1993

Built and managed CCA treatment plant for CSR Softwoods at Gilmore (near Tumut NSW) including installation of complete containment systems with a number of fail-safes as well as ground water monitoring systems.

1990 - 1991

Harvesting manager for CSR Softwoods and Wood Panels in Tumut NSW.

1987 - 1989

Logging Manager Fibron MDF plant Oberon NSW:

  • Supervision of construction of woodmill capable of generation of 360,000 chips per annum from roundwood.
  • Establishing and managing harvesting operation sustaining MDF plant.1989 Production and Logging Manager for board production which included introduction of low-density board, which was the first such product in the world.
  • Managing factory’s environmental systems including air monitoring and waste water remediation.